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Ansible - Show output of long running command

Problem #

There's no built in solution in Ansible to be able to see the output of a long running command as it exeecutes.

You can register a task's output and then print its output with the debug module after it has finished, but not while it is running:

- name: Echo command
  command: echo "hello"
  register: hello

- name: Print output
    msg: "{{ hello.stdout }}"

Async task #

There's an official-ish solution: you can mark a task async and poll it. Setting the poll parameter to 0 tells Ansible to start the task and move on to the next one, making this task run in the background asynchronously. Registering this asnyc task and using the async_status module you can wait for it to complete and get "pings" whether it is still executing and not hanging.

- hosts: localhost
  - name: Simulate long running op, allow to run for 45 sec, fire and forget |
      /bin/sleep 15
      echo test
      /bin/sleep 15
    async: 45
    poll: 0
    register: sleeper

  - name: Check on async task
      jid: "{{ sleeper.ansible_job_id }}"
    register: res
    until: res.finished
    retries: 100
    delay: 10

But this still does not show the output of the command that you are running, and for example when downloading large files using rsync it can be useful to see the progress and download rate.

Solution #

So the solution we came up with is to

  1. Start the long running command
    • mark it async,
    • set poll to 0,
    • register the Ansible task's output,
    • and most importantly pipe its standard output into a file
      (this file will be created on the node on which the command is being executed on)
  2. Using a custom Ansible action plugin written in python you can poll the file and print it essentially seeing the output of the command.

The 2 Ansible tasks described above look like this:

- name: Start rsync for folder {{ dir_to_sync }}
  become: true
    executable: /bin/bash
    cmd: |
      set -o pipefail; /usr/bin/rsync --info=progress2 --info=name0 --delay-updates --compress --archive --update --partial \
      --rsh='/usr/bin/ssh -S none -i /home/debian/.ssh/id_ed25519 -o Port=6363 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' \
      --out-format='<<CHANGED>>%i %f%L' dev-read@{{ template_provider_host }}:/data/{{ dir_to_sync }} /data/{{ dir_to_sync }} | tee {{ rsync_log_file }}
  async: 86400
  poll: 0
  register: rsync_out
  changed_when: true

- name: Follow download status ({{ dir_to_sync }})
  become: true
    status_file: "{{ rsync_log_file }}"
    async_job: "{{ rsync_out }}"


Custom Ansible action plugin #

You can write your own python code which then can be called by Ansible creating your own kind of tasks.
These can be either modules or plugins. The main difference between them is that modules run on target machines, while plugins run on the control node (that starts the ansible-playbook command).

You have to specify in an ansible.cfg file where Ansible should look for plugins by assigning the folder's path to the action_plugins key, which is under the [defaults] section.

The print_download_status plugin #

You have to create a python file with the name you want to call your own kind of ansible tasks with. We called ours
You have to create an ActionModule class which extends the ActionBase class for action plugins.
From the custom plugins code you can call built in ansible modules (self._execute_module method), which will execute on the remote target host.

Using the command module we run stat on the long running command's stdout file, this way we get its size. We use this information to only read the number of bytes we haven't read since our last read out (head -q -c {stat_reported_bytes} {status_file} | tail -q -c +{bytes_read_so_far}). We print this text, and repeat these steps in a loop until the async job finishes, which can be checked by calling the async_status module and passing the asynchrounous job's id to it.

You can try it out by running the provided example, async_task.yml:

ansible-playbook async_task.yml

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